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I am an applied economist and my primary research interests are within the field of public economics. In particular, they are related to the economics of taxation, tax administration, fiscal federalism and applied microeconomics.
I am a Lecturer in Economics and Serra Húnter Fellow (tenure-track) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Research Affiliate at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), Associate Research Fellow at the ESRC Tax Administration Research Centre (TARC) of the University of Exeter - Business School (UoE-BS), Affiliated Researcher at the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) and I collaborate as an External Researcher with the Welfare State and Taxation Unit of the Dondena Research Centre (Bocconi University of Milan).
Previously I have held different positions at TARC, UoE-BS, BSE, UAB, IEB and Bocconi University. I have a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. in economics and social sciences from Bocconi University and I have obtained my Ph.D. in economics (summa cum laude) from the University of Barcelona.
The focal point of my research is the analysis of the role played by tax administration and tax enforcement policies in strengthening state capacity and enforcing the ability to collect taxes in an effective and fair way. See research for more details.
I took part in several competitive research grants focused on taxation and tax administration funded by the Ramón Areces Foundation, BSE, UK Research & Innovation (ESRC), European Commission (DG TAXUD), Spanish ministry of Science and Innovation (R&D Projects) and the Catalan Government (SGR). I also took part in several projects commissioned by the European Commission (DG TAXUD, DG EMPL), Spanish administrations (Catalan Tax Agency), Italian administrations (Regional Council of Lombardy) and other entities. See other research activities for more details.
I have published my research in international refereed journals such as the Journal of Development Economics, the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Economic Inquiry, Regional Studies, International Tax and Public Finance, the Journal of Tax Administration, Economia Politica, CESifo Economic Studies and Applied Economic Analysis.
I am currently co-organising a Special Issue for CESifo Economics Studies on the theme 'Fiscal Capacity, Tax Compliance and Development.' Submission deadline 29.02.2023. More details can be found here.